The ALVIN Research Submersible
Scale: 1/8

Making the ALVIN Resaerch Submersible
The ALVIN kit is the product of a long fascination with the research submersible. The FX Models staff have long been interested in submersibles, whose workhorse capabilities help us unlock the mysteries of the deep ocean. We are proud to continue offering this kit straight from the same molds that we used for creating the miniatures used in two productions, and provide top notch kit components. Running at night just below the surface, or 8 feet down with its spotlights on, the ALVIN kit sub is a spectacular sight whether in a pond, or a pool!
The ALVIN kit is 1/8 scale, approx. 36 inches long, 14 inches wide and 21 inches tall. The hull is finished in smooth white Gel Coat. The hull kit is available directly from FX Models whereas all electronic parts can be ordered from Hobby Lobby International and other hobby parts distributors. A complete parts list is included in the FX Models supplied package for convenience and technical assistance is a phone call away!
This page shows images of a finished ALVIN. This model is a fully functional model and has been weathered to scale. The ALVIN kit builds into a Radio Controlled kit that has no exposed control horns or rods so that the entire operating gear is hidden within the confines of the model shell. The realism attained with this design is very very high. This was why the model has been used on several television documentaries as is, with no post-production effects required to enhance its realism. It moves in a scale way, and looks as real as it gets without obtaining a real submersible!
For inquiries about the ALVIN Kit, please call 860-589-5279. Thank you!
Kit Details:
- Front/Back half of the hull (parting line is as on the full size.
- Tail Cone
- Divers Platform (behind the sail)
- 5 inch diameter resin cast propeller
- 4 viewports (Front, Bottom, two sides)
- Pressure hull (30 foot depth capability although 4-8 feet recommended)
- Full Size two sheet blueprint (front, profile views, plus detail drawings)
- 40 page asssembly manual
- Scanned photo pack of step by step assembly
- Scanned photo pack of finished model
- Detail pack of drawings and templates plus pressure hull layout.
For inquiries about the ALVIN Kit, please call 860-589-5279. Thank you!